This event in RPG Maker Fes will make the main player or an event on the map change graphical state.
Variable target: Hero: Select this to make the main player the one to make the graphic change
Variable target: This event: Select this to make the event the one to make the graphic change
Variable target: Other event: Select this to make a different event on the same map the one to make the graphic change. Once you select this, you will be given the option to select the event.
Condition: Choose the graphic change. Revert to original sets the graphic back to the way it displays normally. Make transparent makes the graphic invisible. Make flash makes the graphic invisible and visible contantly. Pass through turns the event into something that can be walked through.
If you apply a Pass through condition to the Hero, the main player will be able to walk through solid objects until their condition is returned to Revert to original.
Preview: See what the graphic change looks like
Confirm: Saves your settings
Page updated: July 9th, 2017 @ 3:15 AM Eastern Time |